Understanding Communication Rules in the VLE
In its secure digital work environments, Édifice ensures smooth and controlled exchanges through clear communication rules tailored to each user profile. Let’s take a closer look at these rules through illustrations.
Secure and Controlled Communication in Educational Networks
ONE, NEO, and all VLE platforms developed by Édifice are designed to be secure educational networks where interactions remain peaceful and controlled. Regardless of the platform (ONE for primary schools, NEO for secondary schools, or a customized VLE for local authorities), strict communication rules apply to users based on their profiles. Here’s a visual reminder of these rules一and their exceptions!
Teachers and School Staff
The entire teaching and school staff can view and communicate with all other users: teachers, staff, students, and parents.
This means that a teacher can send messages and share content with all students in a school, not just those in their own class(es).
Communication Rules for Students
Students can only communicate with the teachers of their class and their classmates.
They cannot send messages to students from other classes, other teachers, or any parents except their own.
However, they are allowed to communicate with all of the school staff (administration, management, nurse, etc.).
Communication Rules for Parents
Similarly, parents can communicate with their child(ren)’s teachers, all school personnel, and their own child(ren).
However, they cannot exchange messages with other students in the class or with other parents.
The Role of the Local Administrator
In each school, local administrators—typically the principal, headteacher, or school director—have the ability to modify or refine these communication rules.
For example, if multiple classes within the same school are working together on an educational project, the local administrator may allow students from these classes to communicate with each other, either temporarily or permanently.
The local administrator can also decide to authorize communication within a specific user group. For instance, parents of students in the same class could be granted permission to communicate with each other.
Additionally, it is possible to create specific groups, such as class representatives or parent representatives, and apply customized communication rules to them.
At the Community or Academy Level
The flexibility of communication rules also allows for interactions between different institutions. Administrators at the community or academy level—sometimes referred to as “super-administrators”—can manually create inter-school groups.
The objectives are diverse:
- Ensuring educational continuity, between primary and secondary schools in the same district for example.
- Encouraging exchanges between teachers of the same subject across different institutions.
- Facilitating pedagogical collaboration between classes of the same level in different schools.
Important! The communication rules described here are the default recommendations applied in our VLE platforms. However, they may vary depending on the platform or region.
Additionally, we remind you that there is a right of reply in the Messaging application. This right allows a person to respond to a received message, even if they are not ordinarily allowed to communicate with the sender.
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