Discover our latest release notes

Stay informed about our latest developments and fixes for the Web and Mobile versions. Many of these improvements are feedback issues from our users. We collect ideas and suggestions from the most active teachers on our solutions.



  • 5.1 – June 13 – Collaborative Wall gets a makeover!
  • – June 12 – Blog Fixes
  • 5.0.5 – June 6 – Updates to the Blog and Text Editor
  • 5.0 – April 24 – New Blog, New Editor!
  • 4.12.17 – April 17 – The Class App is now a yearbook
  • 4.12.13 – March 20 – New Multimedia Notebook homepage
  • 4.12.12 – March 13 – Mindmap duplication and fixes.
  • 4.12.11 – March 6 – Patch Version
  • 4.12.10 – February 27 – Enhancements to VLE Support.
  • 4.12.9 – February 21 – Corrected Version
  • 4.12.8 – February 14 – Corrected Version
  • 4.12.7 – January 29 – Updated Version
  • 4.12.5 – January 15 – Updated Version


  • 4.12.3 – December 20 – Patch Version
  • 4.12.2 – November 29 – Patch Version
  • – November 22 – Patch Version
  • 4.12 – November 8 – Complete Overhaul of Mindmap
  • 4.11 – August 9 – First of to be elected, the homepage of Blog got a makeover!
  • 4.10.2 – June 7 – Security and mailbox updates
  • 4.9 – Febuary 22 – We are working to streamline navigation by standardizing the features accessible directly from the app homepages.
  • 4.8.2 – March 10 – Technical updates for the Multimedia Notebook
  • 4.8 – Febuary 22 – Big updates for the Multimedia Notebook
  • 4.7 – January 18 – Studio and technical updates


  • 4.6 – December, 7 – Version’s updates primarily technical, full of commitment for the futur!
  • – October 12 – Technical changes
  • – September 27 – Technical changes
  • – September 21 – Technical changes
  • – September 15 – Technical changes
  • – August 31 – Technical changes
  • – August 24 – Technical changes
  • 4.5 – August 16 – New features : Exercices, Calendar, Widget recorder, Mindmap, Class Settings



  • 1.13.0 – June 24 – New Blog Editor
  • 1.12.0 – April 3 – Managing multiple accounts and photo compression
  • 1.11.5 – January 30 – Adding the “Homework done” feature


  • 1.11.3 – December 6 – Christmas theme
  • 1.11.2 – November 24 – Multimedia Notebook Is Here!
  • 1.10.1 – August 31 – The Schedule App is here!
  • 1.10.0 – August 17 – The News app is here!
  • 1.9.5 – May 17 – Boost for mobile applications
  • 1.9.3 – March 7 – Enhanced video player, dual SMS authentication on Mobile, interface improvements with native components
  • 1.9.1 – January 16 – Improved safety


  • 1.9.0 – December 12 – New photo carousel and a surprise !
  • 1.8.5 – October, 27 – Technical version
  • 1.8.2 – August 31 – Automatic redirection between mobile application and responsive version
  • 1.8.0 – June 28 – New: Schoolbook