Secure solutions that protect your data

At Édifice, we take data security extremely seriously—no compromises. We comply with GDPR and SDET regulations, conduct regular audits, ensure confidentiality, operate within a trusted framework, and host data in France. We go the extra mile to protect your information—let us tell you how!

Ensuring GDPR Compliance

Since the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into effect in 2018, we have transformed our organization to ensure daily compliance with these new requirements. To demonstrate that we meet and will continue to meet GDPR standards long-term, we have implemented several key changes:

  • We have appointed a dedicated Data Protection Officer (DPO).
  • Every Édifice team member undergoes specialized training on proper data handling and understanding the sensitive nature of the tasks they perform.
  • Our support team’s responsibilities now include processing requests related to the management of personal data.

Adhering to Regulatory Standards

ONE and NEO are fully compliant with the regulatory framework established by the French National Education system. This ensures a trusted environment across functional, technical, and legal aspects. The personal data within our solutions is limited to the information provided when creating accounts or populating your own profile. Édifice hosts this personal data, but does not utilize it for any other purposes. We never commercially exploit your data. Actually, 90 days after an account is closed, all associated data is automatically and permanently deleted. Until then, it resides securely in our French data centers located in Roubaix and Strasbourg.

Providing the most secure framework for digital education platforms

We cover all aspects of cybersecurity (protection, analysis, detection), addressing both application (software) and infrastructure (hosting) security. Our goal is to achieve the SecNumCloud certification, providing the most comprehensive organizational, technical, and regulatory standards for schools in France.

Through a project initiative supported by Bpifrance, Édifice has been selected as a recipient by the Prime Minister’s office for assistance in attaining this qualification.

Working together to strike the right balance between usage, security, and resources

The Learning Management System (LMS) serves as a virtual hub for thousands of school communities, fostering interaction, collaboration, and exchange. It’s our shared responsibility to find the optimal balance between usage, security, and resource allocation to safeguard this trusted environment.

In the short term, we recommend implementing the Web Application Firewall (WAF) for projects, leveraging the Cloudflare solution for its network performance. The WAF enhances platform security and availability by acting as a barrier against attacks, detecting botnets, and filtering IP addresses and VPNs.

Security is everyone’s concern

Although our tools are significantly advancing, let’s remember together that security involves everyone. Phishing (deception through fake websites), stealers (spyware installed on victims’ computers), and inadequate personal password management can lead to identity theft. It’s crucial for all of us to heighten our vigilance and educate all users. The French ministry has issued 7 tips to help prevent account hacking.

#CYBERSECU, we tell you everything…

Orange Cyberdéfense’s audits


Cyber-attacks are a threat to all companies and sectors. In light of the growing importance of this issue, we are now being regularly audited by external specialists. Today, we would like to tell you about the last series of security audits conducted by Orange Cyberdéfense.


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All you need to know about “2FA”


We take special care to secure our most sensitive accounts. The main incidents that have occurred all started when an administrative account became compromised. This is why we decided to add extra security measures with 2FA.


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Open Season on Bugs!


Hire a team of hackers to hunt out any weak points in our software—sounds crazy, right? Well, not if they’re wearing white hats! These modern-day bounty hunters get paid a bonus for every bug they find.


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