Elementary School

The Attendance app will make your life easier starting this fall!

, Updated on 18 June 2024

Taking roll and notifying parents of absences are just some of the tedious and time-consuming tasks that are part of the daily life of every school. Managing and tracking absences has a number of educational and regulatory effects. The Attendance app will help you save lots of time while gathering and sharing this information.

Taking attendance

Parents can inform the school that their child will be absent right from their smartphone or computer. Teachers will then receive the notification and enter any absences during roll on the Attendance app.

Confirming absences

The school’s admin office can view the roll call for every class and note the number of non-boarding students who are absent. The filters make it easy to see an overall report on the number of unjustified absences. 

Notifying parents via text or email

The admin office can then inform the parents of every student whose absence has not yet been justified by text or email with a single click from the mass email tab. This feature makes it possible to send out mass emails to the families concerned by the given event, be it an absence, tardy notice, departure, or another situation.

Lots of other features designed to make your life easier

  • You can see all the notices related to a given student to provide personalized monitoring in conjunction with the family.
  • The admin team exports the attendance register from the “Statistics” section.
  • Manage tardies, departures, incidents, and excuses.
  • Note student attendance during time slots that are not included in the regular schedule, such as during a fire drill.
  • The admin can notify teachers to remind them they must confirm their roll calls.

The benefits are substantial for the principal of a big school like me. There are 18 classes in the school, but it only takes me five minutes to tell parents their children are absent via text. I no longer have to look for who was absent from each class. I have all the information on my computer, and it only takes a few minutes. It’s a huge help. Now, families are always notified of a student’s absence that same morning. The number of unjustified absences has dropped. All the classes have really appreciated this feature.”

Damien P., principal of Samuel Beckett Elementary School in Saint-Lô, which is attended by 363 students. His school used a sneak peek of the Attendance app starting in November 2021. Beginning in the fall of 2022, he stopped using physical roll call lists altogether.

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