Elementary School

Ten helpful tips for becoming a ONE expert

, Updated on 12 February 2024

Still unsure about all the features of your favorite tool? Here are ten tips that will help you save time every day and learn about everything ONE has to offer!

10. Copying pages to all Scrapbooks

You can copy a Scrapbook page into your students’ individual Scrapbooks. Just open the Scrapbook, then click on “Edit”. Navigate to the page you want to copy, and click on the “+” button. You can then select all the Scrapbooks you wish; the page will be automatically added to the end of each one. If your students want to rearrange the page order, they can always click on “Page order” and drag and drop each page to the desired location.

  1. Blind carbon copy

Would you like to send a message to several people but hide the recipients? Using the Mailbox app, you can add a list of recipients to the “BCC” field, which is located just below the normal recipient field. To save time, you can save a signature in the Mailbox app as well. Click on the “New message” tab, then on “Add a signature.” You can then choose to add it to the end of all your emails.

  1. Editing comments

Did you know that Blog post comments can be edited? The author of the comment and the Blog’s manager(s) can edit a comment, such as to correct a spelling mistake, for example.

  1. A Blog post elevator

Is your Blog full of posts? Do you sometimes have to scroll quite a ways to find an older publication? You can customize how your posts are sorted. After the first post listed on your Blog, you can click on “+”, then on “Move up.” Your post will be instantly moved to the top!

  1. Comparing different versions of your Wiki

Whenever you edit a Wiki page, a new version will be created automatically. You can compare the two versions of your page to view the content you’ve added and deleted. Click the “+” button, then on “Versions.” The list of page versions will be shown with the date and author of the modifications. You can compare two versions and choose to restore one of the previous iterations by clicking on “Restore.”

  1. Adding comments to documents

In the Filespace, you can add comments to files. First, click on the document, then select “Add a comment” in the sub-menu. If the file is shared with other users, they will receive a notification and can respond to your comment.

  1. Storing attachments in my Filespace online

When you receive an attachment via your Mailbox, you can now save the file directly on your Filespace. In your Mailbox, just click on the “Filespace” icon next to the attachment, then select the folder where you would like to save it.

  1. Creating shared folders in the Filespace

You no longer have to share your folders one by one. Now you can group them together in a folder and share them all at once! However, it’s important to note that when you select the level of access for one user in share window (read only, contribute, manage, or comment), that same level will apply to all documents in the shared folder. If you allow them to manage or contribute to the documents, the members of your network will also be able to add their documents to the shared folder.

  1. Creating a public Blog to showcase a class

Would you like to share and highlight the activities of a class or your school? When you create a new Blog, you now have the option to make it public. That means the Blog will be visible from a web browser without having to sign into the VLE. At any time, you can make any Blog public (as long as you are authorized to manage it). Just click on “The Blog can be accessed publicly via this customizable address,” then type in the end of the Blog’s public URL. You can search for and copy the address at any time by selecting the public Blog and clicking on “Properties.” It is also visible in the left column whenever you are editing your posts. You can use the address to easily share the Blog with others.

  1. Grouping my favorite contacts together in a list

Would you like to save time when sharing your content? You can save your list of favorite contacts under “Share favorites” directly from the sharing window. You can then edit your list or create a new “Share favorites” with the Directory application. Whenever you share content, you no longer have to type in recipients one by one. Instead, just enter the name of your list of favorite contacts. This feature is especially useful when sharing content with classes of several different levels.

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