Web 6.4

5 March 2025 - Improvement in the Class Settings


  • Class Settings
    • You can now add a student directly from a parent’s profile.
    • Parents can now be created directly from a student’s profile.
    • A “Student/Parent not linked” message now appears when the connection has not been established.
    • A warning message now appears when creating a parent account if it is not linked to their child.
  • My Account
    • On the “My Account” page, we’ve improved the labels to clearly indicate when users need to update their email address.


  • Blog: Fixed the issue causing blank pages when opening certain blogs.
  • Calendar: Editing a recurring event is now limited to the occurrences present in the selected display view.
  • Editor: Resolved incidents related to statistical events.
  • My Apps: Fixed an issue where a blank page appeared after adding a connector or an application to the “My Apps” widget from the admin console.
  • Online Office Suite: Fixed an issue preventing access to the microphone for voice input (pilot phase on the ENT77 project).
  • Sharing: Users can no longer use a “sharing favorite” if they do not have the required permissions to communicate with some users or groups within that favorite.