Web 6.3

26 February 2025 - DNMA implementation


You’ve been waiting for it—sometimes impatiently: the implementation of DNMA v2 is now complete on the VLE platforms developed by Édifice!

The french National Audience Measurement System (DNMA) for digital educational services is a tracking system that monitors the usage of digital learning environments and other digital tools available to teaching staff in France. It relies on an external tagging solution.

The 2.0.1-2024 RFTI version of the DNMA, released a few weeks ago, enables platform data comparison, performance evaluation, and improved ENT usage monitoring.

🚨 Important! Please note that DNMA activation is being rolled out gradually, region by region. The activation schedule is determined by the French Ministry of National Education. The deployment of version 6.3 does not automatically trigger the activation of tracking.