Web 4.8

22 February 2023 - Big updates for the Multimedia Notebook


The Multimedia Notebook has become even more collaborative now that several students can edit the same document at once!

Users can now edit the same Multimedia Notebook at the same time:

  • Multiple users can edit different pages of the same notebook simultaneously.

Now, edits are saved individually for each page rather than the entire notebook.

When you navigate from one page to another after making changes, the page you were just on will automatically save your updates. We’ve added a page-locking mechanism for collaborative editing. When someone is actively editing a page, it will become locked to indicate it is in use.

The editing lock remains active while the page is being edited. It will automatically be released after 10 minutes of inactivity, when the edits are saved, or if the user navigates away from the page.  If the user loses their connection, they will have 10 minutes to log back in and continue editing without losing their lock.


After changing their password in the mobile app from their My Account page, we discovered that our users could no longer use it. To fix the issue, they had to log out and then log back in. Our teams have corrected this bug. Now when you change your password within the app, you can keep using it without interruption.