Mobile 1.12.0
April 3, 2024 – Managing multiple accounts and photo compression!
For teachers who are also parents, now you can effortlessly switch between accounts with just a click! No more hassle of logging in and out. To activate this feature, simply go to the “My Account” tab (in either your teacher or personal profile), add your parent account, and you’re all set.
Image Loading: To prevent your Filespace from getting cluttered and to speed up loading times, all images are now converted to jpg format and compressed. The compression process is optimized to ensure the best possible photo viewing experience. Now, creating content with even more photos is easier than ever!
Attendance: Exemptions now visible.
News: Users will receive a notification if they click on outdated news (past the end date) from the news feed.
Translation: Spanish translations have been updated.
Note: These new features are being gradually rolled out across stores.