Elementary School

Paris Classe Numérique: renewed for another 6 Years!

, Updated on 22 February 2024

Paris’ elementary and middle schools have chosen to continue their adventure with the ONE and NEO community. The city renewed its contract for another six years with the virtual learning network Paris Classe Numérique, a customized version of the platforms designed by Open Digital Education. Following its roll-out to Parisian middle schools, the solution was implemented in all preschool and elementary schools in the French capital.

660 schools connected

It’s already been 10 years since the students and teachers of Paris’ 85 middle schools started using the Paris Classe Numérique digital platform to create and share educational content. In 2017, the city’s elementary schools gradually started using the platform as well, followed by its preschools in 2019. That left 170 schools that had yet to join. We’re happy to announce that is no longer the case! Now, all 660 schools can work and collaborate together through our online platform. An initial round of ten training sessions has been scheduled to introduce the school’s principals to PCN, and then the Paris regional education authority will take over the training for its teaching teams.

“Continuing on our upward trajectory when it comes to usage”

The City of Paris just extended its contract with the PCN platform for another six years. “Teachers and administrative teams want to use long-lasting tools. This lets us continue on our upward trajectory when it comes to usage,” explains Philippe Taillard. The Regional Delegate for Digital Education provides an update: “I’m very happy with the platform for many reasons. The solution has evolved, and improvements have been added gradually over time. I also appreciate how the regional education authority, community, and providers have worked together.” In fact, it is thanks to the City of Paris that all of our platform’s users can save single pages of their Multimedia Notebooks, for example.

Young students in Paris will find themselves right at home when they transition to Monlycee.net, the online platform Open Digital Education created for high schools throughout the Paris region.

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