Elementary School

An online radio show to maintain ties between school and families

, Updated on 8 February 2024

Christelle, Education Coordinator, hosts a web radio show every week on a public ONE blog. The goal is to maintain ties between the teachers and families of 30 classes from various primary schools and one middle school.

How did you get the idea to start an online radio show?

I had talked about creating one for the school network with middle school teachers in particular. I took part in a training day where I learned about how it could work. That was a few days before the lockdown. I studied what I needed to know before broadcasting with help from resources at the CLEMI, I downloaded free jingles, and I set up all the equipment I had access to at my house. And then I got to work!

Why do you think it’s important to maintain ties between the teacher and families, or even between students?

It’s important to maintain those ties with families to ensure there is trust and continuity between the school and family. It’s especially crucial to show that even during these difficult times, it is possible to hear from your friends and not live in an isolated bubble.

How does it work, practically speaking?

They created a public blog for me where the shows are published every week. I send it out to the primary schools, so 30 classes, and the middle school, which has 350 students, that belong to my district. We are in a rural district where the villages are far apart from each other. It’s great to be able to reach as many people as possible. I hope to get more testimonials from kids, parents, and colleagues for the next shows. They can send in clips that are less than a minute and a half either via ONE or email. The students really like it!

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