Creating inspiring and engaging educational situations

Our intuitive and scalable digital services promote sharing and collaboration among all members of the educational community.
Numérique éducatif

What’s new with Édifice?

Elementary School
Middle School
High School
18 December 2024

5 Creative Ways to Use the VLE’s Collaborative Notepad App

The Collaborative Notepad app app is a tool for co-writing texts—be it for presentations, reports, or collaborative dictations. But this…
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Elementary School
Middle School
High School
12 December 2024

Disability: Fostering Kindness in the Classroom

The International Day of Persons with Disabilities, celebrated on December 3, is a great opportunity to promote tolerance and kindness…
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Elementary School
Middle School
High School
10 December 2024

Courses and Wiki: The App for Creating and Organizing Your Teaching Materials

With the new Courses and Wiki app, you can easily create, structure, and share your teaching materials directly within the VLE platform.
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Our solutions

ONE and NEO deliver interfaces and applications that are adapted to the age and needs of your students.


A collaborative network for elementary schools
ONE is the leading educational platform in France. Join a community of more than 16,000 schools.
Discover ONE


A collaborative network for middle-high schools
NEO is used by France’s largest regions everywhere from Alpes-de-Haute-Provence to Hauts-de-France.
Discover NEO

Édifice, the leading educational platform in France

millions students use our solutions
16 000
schools have adopted ONE
3 300
middle schools and high schools are already on NEO
countries throughout the world

Our satisfied customers

Unwavering support for our dedicated educational partners.

With its colorful design, wide variety of apps, and intuitive user experience, ONE is especially well suited for teaching students. The team often recognizes the contributions of teachers. The Help Desk is quick to answer, and the entire team is involved in every step of the project. It was a fantastic experience!

Aurélie Mercier-Richard
Digital Usage Counseling Teacher

ONE and NEO are designed to encourage users to move beyond simple information consumption and towards content creation. An approach that emphasizes creation is essential for fostering the growth of digital citizens who have a critical perspective and know how to manage their own online identity.

Nicolas Tessier
Digital Education Project Manager in Province Sud

ONE helps get the little ones ready for the wild world of social media. It’s all about starting early while they’re curious and open-minded. With ONE, they can dip their toes into publishing content with their teacher’s guidance, learning all about their rights and responsibilities online. These skills will come in handy when they dive into the uncharted territories of less regulated social networks later on.

Nathalie Becle
Teacher in Primary school in New-Caledonia

Thanks to ONE, communication with parents has gotten so much better. The difference is clear—it’s a completely different atmosphere. After the Covid situation, everyone was thrilled to be back at school. However, the need for effective communication and fostering connections remains crucial. Fortunately, ONE has proven to be great at fulfilling these needs!

Marie-Claude Marie-Françoise
Principal of Les Caramboles School in the Saint-Paul 1 District in La Réunion


At ODE, our sole priority is to turn digital technologies into an educational ally for teachers and their students.


A space secured and controlled by the school to help all members of the educational community work together.


By hosting letter writing programs, conferences with passionate experts, artistic events, and more, schools are becoming more open to the world, and students are getting more involved in their education.

A different approach to digital education

We believe that schools, the cornerstone of a peaceful and enlightened society, must remain open to a world in which the pace of change is only increasing. Every day, we work to provide schools with a trusted framework that can serve as the foundation for sharing and collaboration.