
ONE y NEO: un único punto de acceso a todos los servicios digitales

, Actualizado el 22 febrero 2024

Debido a que hay muchos servicios y recursos digitales en el campo de la educación, es fácil perderse rápidamente con la gran cantidad de nombres de usuarios y contraseñas que es necesario memorizar. ¡Con ONE y NEO es muy fácil! Puede acceder a todos sus servicios desde un mismo lugar. Ya sea a través de simples conectores o integraciones específicas más avanzadas, nuestro equipo de Integración está constantemente pensando en la mejor opción para usted según las herramientas que tenga. La navegación es más simple para sus usuarios y usted se beneficia de una plataforma única que le permite comunicar mejor acerca de las nuevas funciones e innovaciones a su comunidad.

Nombre de usuario y contraseña únicos
Protocolos y normas API documentados
Más de 150 conectores listos para usar

A single and secure authentication process

ONE and NEO can act as identity providers or seamlessly integrate with your identity federation system (Educonnect, Franceconnect, etc.). Regardless of the option you choose, each user will only need to remember a single unique username and password to access all of their services.

Connectors to your digital resources

Every user, whether they are teachers, students, or others, has access to a diverse range of resources based on their profile and level. However, achieving consistency across all of these resources can be challenging. With ONE and NEO, you can customize your «My Apps» page and concentrate all your resources in a single location. With the help of APIs, users are automatically redirected to the resource in question without requiring any additional authentication. The connectors are only displayed to users who have access to them, ensuring a seamless user experience. The Media Center, in turn, consolidates all the resources made available through the Resource Access Manager (GAR) implemented by the Ministry of National Education.

Interconnected with your business solutions

Your users can take advantage of a number of services. Whether it’s family and school life considerations, or solutions for managing catering and extracurricular activities, your needs are wide-ranging. With over 10 years of experience, we provide solutions that interface with most of the services used by local authorities and the education sector. For anyone who is not currently listed, our team and integration partners are here to assist you in a smooth and quick activation process.

In-depth integrations and with complementary third-party services

Would you like to incorporate a video conferencing system, onboard an office solution for all your users, or leverage existing content created on another LMS? We offer extensive integration services with a number of different solutions. In addition to serving as connectors, we go further by integrating the interfaces of services like Big Blue Button, Only Office, Moodle, Nextcloud, and more into ONE and NEO. This ensures a smooth navigation experience and an optimized user experience. Take advantage of pre-built integrations or design your own projects with our team or integration partners.

Our protocols

  • OAuth2
  • CAS 2.0
  • CAS 3.0
  • SAML V2.0
  • OpenId Connect

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